Update: If you tried to email me by clicking the link in this post and it didn't work, you can manually type in my email address instead: ablondeandherblog AT yahoo DOT com
Also, if you're worried about protecting your identity should you win, you have the option to send your mailing address directly to Bruce (who will not share it with me or anyone else), instead of to me. And I won't be the least bit offended because I am *extremely* protective of my identity as well.

A contest, a contest……yay! I’m so excited to offer this contest and I’m not even going to win anything myself, lol! But I think you all are going to LOVE this and have a lot of fun with it.
Bruce Littlefield, author of the book Garage Sale America (the book that I reviewed here a few weeks ago) has offered to give away an autographed copy of his book to one of you, PLUS one of his garage sale treasures.

Bruce will be hunting for the treasure in a garage sale this Tuesday, with all of you in mind. How cool is that?! I will udpate with information on what the "treasure" will be once he finds it.
(I previously said it was this past Saturday, but was wrong. Apparently, I'm calendar-challenged lately because I also thought his Today show stint for "the things America hoards" was this past Sunday. It's actually Sunday the 29th. Sorry if you Tivo'd the show on Sunday for nothing!)
The treasure will be worth far more than what Bruce pays for it, something he's very good at (as you'll see in the YouTube video below).
All you have to do to enter this contest is go on a fun and easy "treasure hunt" and answer three questions. In order to make this fair, PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENT SECTION! When you find the answers to the three questions, email them to me instead at this address. ( ablondeandherblog AT yahoo DOT com )
If you get the questions correct, I'll enter your name into Random.org, which I'll be using to select the winner (this is only a tool to make sure that selecting the winner is fair and random. Your name is NOT stored at Random.org).
And if you mention this contest on your blog, you'll get a bonus entry! Just put your link either in your email to me or in the comments section.
The contest will run for one week (ending at 12 a.m. on Tuesday, July 17.) I will announce the winner that Tuesday.
Okay, ready to play? Hint: The answers to question 1 and 2 can be found here. The answer to question 3 can be found in the YouTube video below.
Happy hunting! :)
Question #1: How did costume jewelry come to be called "costume jewelry?" (Answer found on the landing page of Garage Sale America's website. Place your cursor over the items pictured there and a box will pop up with fun trivia and tidbits of information).
Question #2: Where is the World’s Largest Garage Sale? (IMPORTANT: We're looking for the LARGEST garage sale, not the longest).
Question #3: In the YouTube video below, what is Amy Robach from the Today show wearing that Bruce says will get her a bad deal at a garage sale?
I am not a yard/garage/etc. sale person. it takes toooo much time.
but it would be fun to go with him. he knows what he's doing.
I totally agree, Pamela! He has the nicest, most infectious personality!
I totally agree, Pamela! He has the nicest, most infectious personality!
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