So without further ado, here is the adorable 50's style alumnium spice rack that I want to steal from Jane:

Don't you love Bruce's sense of style? He's not only a garage sale expert, he's also a designer and he's decorated his adorable country farm house in this style. You can see gorgeous photos and get style ideas for yourself in his book Garage Sale America.
Now for the most exciting part for those of you who didn't win the last Treasure Hunt. Here is a note from Bruce with the details:
- dear blonde blogger dawn!
hey it’s me bruce littlefield at garage sale america back to my computer... after a week of adventure. i started out the week at the brimfield flea market near boston on a HUNT for a treasure for my favorite blonde blogger! (truthfully i was there because the boston globe invited me to boston for me to hunt for treasures and give tips on the hows, whats and whys.)
popular boston dj christopher muther is writing the piece. he’s fun and hilarious (and collector of lunchboxes, mcdonald’s toys, and such)...
anyway, my own personal mission for the adventure was to find something for your “garage sale america” treasure hunt. (thanks for doing that! and to everyone who went on our hunt.) i decided to see what fabulous find i could grab for five bucks.
and i found it! a fifties aluminum spice rack for five bucks. and i hear that jane at pinks and blues girls won. that makes me happy on several levels.
first, she’s obviously cool AND her parents happened to be at brimfield at the same time. i just wonder whether her parents would have bought the fifties aluminum spice rack or would of said “we had one of those.”
honestly, had jonathan (a boston globe cameraman, and incidentally, a hunky lester holt lookalike) not been following me around... i most likely would have kept it for myself and sent something else! she’s getting that and a signed book....
hey dawn... it’s so fun... let’s do it again....
everyone dawn and i will be announcing the next contest... SOON...(as soon as we decide what it is).
happy hunting everybody!
So there you have it! Another Treasure Hunt coming soon! Weeeee! So don't despair if you didn't win! A second chance will be coming soon. How cool is Bruce for doing that?!!
Thank you, Bruce! :)
Note: Be sure to "tune" in tommorrow (I'm so good with these hints..haha!), for an exciting giveaway that you won't want to miss! And keep an eye out for the next Treasure Hunt contest, too!
I'm not a garage sale person, but it might be fun to shop with him
(I kno a couple of people who shop and then resell at their own yards. what a business)
Oh my gosh, he seems like he'd be a blast to shop with. Now THAT would be an awesome prize! LOL
I know Bruce has sold some of his finds on Ebay for much more than he bought them. It is a good business!
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