Jun 18, 2007

Garage Sale America

It’s been years since I’ve been to a garage sale, but I still remember the thrill I had when I picked up a stair stepper with a Jane Fonda step aerobics VHS (yes, it’s been that long, lol) for $5. What a steal!

Those memories came flooding back when I received Garage Sale America by Bruce Littlefield to review for Mother Talk’s Blog Tour (Disclaimer: I am not making any money on the sale of this book, or through Amazon).

The book is filled with stories about the author’s adventures in garage sales across the country, as well as tips for how you can make the most out of either hosting a garage sale, or shopping at one.

The book is filled with fun and interesting photos of the author’s finds, along with information on what to look for of value (down to the red rim on the tires of Hot Wheel’s vehicles).

Littlefield's writing style flows so well that I found myself reading more than I had planned to each night (I was reading two books at once and many nights never got to the other book because I was so captivated by his writing.)

I brought the book with me when I got my hair done recently and showed it to my stylist. She was just as taken in as I was by the photos and prose and sat down on her break to read it. Unlike me, she avidly seeks out garage sales every weekend, so the book had a huge appeal to her.

Even if you haven’t or won’t be going to a garage sale, the facts, photos and tidbits of information are so fascinating that you’ll wish you were heading to a sale right after you finish reading. I know I want to try to get to one now, even though I'm not a morning person (which appears to be essential to successful garage saling).

Check it out, and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

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